Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Message of Peace or Myth

Leonardo DiCaprio (UN Messenger of Peace)

Climate Summit 2014
Opening Ceremony 23 Sep 2014 

As many of us wonder if the idealism of the UN has any real affect on the world, it remains a form of hope in the the American psyche.  As a popular actor recognized throughout much of the world, DiCaprio admits that he is not an "expert" or scientist but a "concerned citizen".  Yet, he claims he knows the facts.

Process Premises

It appears that the DiCaprio ego needs an outlet to offer the world something more than the actor has been able to provide on the entertainment screen.  This need is certainly fulfilled through a most creative outlet, a supposed stage of the world.  Somehow this stage provides a level of esteem that DiCaprio believes will be significant.

Another premise of DiCaprio's message is one of fear and guilt, ironically presented as an appointed "Messenger of Peace".  His certitudes are listed in an alarming tone while claiming that the message is not his alone but supported by the US military as "the greatest security threat".   

DiCaprio's third premise is based on his belief that a healthy planet environment is an "inalienable human right".  He demonizes those who pretend that climate change will sort itself out.  He suggests that those who ignore the realities should be held accountable.

Finally, DiCaprio expresses the most effective process premise through cognitive dissonance.  He holds the world accountable for failing to take preemptive actions to alleviate the damages created by out of control polluters.   Surely translated into the diverse languages of the planets representatives, his reprimand is a cause for discomfort. 

Larson's Probable Analysis

Several cultural myths can be applied to DiCaprio's presentation. Larson, C. (2000) Cultural premises in persuasion. In Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility (pp. 228-252). .Belmont CA: Wadsworth.  Since Larson refers specifically from an American perspective, it is appropriate to note that DiCaprio is truly speaking from that frame to an audience that has cultural values he likely naively disregards.  

Larson's myth of "The Possibility of Success", is perhaps the strongest motive for DiCaprio's plea to the world.  With no regard to any other world cultural plight, DiCaprio implores that action must be taken "my friends, this body, perhaps more than any other gathering in human history, now faces this difficult but achievable task...".  Again DiCaprio is convinced that saving the environment is not easy but "achievable".  

Many Americans likely agree with DiCaprio's sentiment, but Larson might argue that several other world cultures might disagree with the priority DiCaprio attempts to establish in about 4 minutes time. 


  1. Is he proposing himself as the messiah for the world. He said he is just a concerned citizen and then proceeded to express himself as the expert. He claims facts in the face of much continued controversy. He said that we need to control the climate, but then stated proposals that would only control industry and people. Demonizing and blaming human kind for their attempts to better their lives I feel was not very effective.
    The possibility of success is there for him to make a lot of money on people investing in alternative energy sources. He did not convince any with his premise of needs. It is almost sad to see so much talent wasted on a stage he does not belong.
    Thanks for sharing this.

    1. I too thought he was really out of place. I agree that fame can lead to additional income in some unexpected ways.

  2. Nice selection Kathleen, I didn't realize it was DiCaprio who started the, "man bun and beard" craze. Kidding aside, in considering your analysis in regard to the speech being made on the world stage, I wonder if Larsen's myth's are effective amongst other cultures.

    1. I sorta laughed too at the look he offered. Perhaps attempting to make himself look more credible and scholarly... I'm sure Larson's myths play against other cultures as well, but from my limited study, I got the impressions Larson was speaking specifically about Americans.

  3. Kathleen, do you know if he flew there and back in his private jet? I found it interesting when they showed the faces of some of the ladies in the audience, they were very intent on watching him but I'm not sure they were really listening to his speech. I have a friend who has lived in Alaska for the past 60 years and he has an interesting take on what they keep saying is happening up there. He says it is all 'hog wash'. He says he has seen this cycle before and it is just what the normal cycle of nature. Still, it makes me wonder if we could really have much control over what is happening. We humans always seem to think we should be able to control everything we see. DiCaprio is not the only one who is arrogant!

    1. Why not... and did he count his carbon emmissions all the while? I doubt it. Climate change is a reality but is it truly a result of human contamination? I like to believe that mother nature is stronger then we give her credit. She is ultimately in control.
